Hi, I’m George Rodafinos
I started my studies in 1988, at a two-year physical therapy school in Greece.
The second year I did my internship with a chiropractor.
He was renowned in his field and was using a very new technique to prepare his patients for the adjustments. It was called Deep Tissue Massage.
After teaching me all he had about it, he stated:
“Mr Rodafinos, it takes me 3 months of effort to teach the deep tissue to my assistants. You took it out of me in 3 days.”
Deep Tissue felt barbaric to me
We were waging a war against the patient’s defenses, when we could instead negotiate the release of those chronically contracted muscles.
I changed the way I was practicing it, even in those first days.
I incorporated a deep, natural sigh of relief. I started a dialog between the therapist and the patient’s defense mechanism.
It turned out that going slow was helping them release faster.
It took me years to acknowledge that I had created a new technique. It was the feedback of the patients that helped me with that. They would often say something like:
“I came to you after two years of daily headaches, and after I had tried practically everything out there, to no result. You took my headaches away and it’s been five years without them.”
I was as startled by those clients’ stories as they were.
Why was my technique so much more successful than anything else out there? What is the mechanism of this chronic contraction, and how was I addressing it?

In 2007 I started teaching the FMM. I taught several colleagues from Greece and Cyprus, in small groups.
For several summers I practiced my technique at a holiday resort. The laid back attitude of people in their vacation brought some fast little therapeutic miracles. The fame of the Functional Muscle Manipulation was spreading abroad. There were vacationers that read reviews about my technique on European vacation forums and would plan their vacation to the specific resort to try my therapy.
My clients were so impressed with their results that I would be invited to 5 or 6 cities in different countries every year to give them some more treatment. Out of those I accepted an invitation to Germany and another to Riyadh, S. Arabia, where I treated a princess.
The most watched TV show in Cyprus invited me to a two-hour presentation of me and my technique. Their viewers’ response was so intense that the show asked me on the air to start a practice in Cyprus.
Later I did a couple more TV shows in Greece.
After the economy of my country collapsed, I moved to the US in 2014.
I also studied Manual Lymph Drainage in France and Austria, Reflexology in Greece, and Massage in the UK. I hold 6 diplomas from 4 different European countries.
In the US, I added a 7th one, from Saint Paul College in 2021.
Try out the Functional Muscle Manipulation